Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Week In The Life - Day 3 Half Way There

Last night's sleep wasn't really that spectacular.  I was once again kicked and punched by my firstborn (it shouldn't surprise me, she did start this kind of behaviour in the womb) but I had some weird dreams and kept waking up suddenly.  Then when I had finally settled into a decent sleep the phone rang, just 2 rings and then silence then it happened again.  I don't know who it was but they're probably fortunate that I don't know!!

Of course I had to go and check out the house in the dark.  You know those thriller movies you watch where the idiotic woman is opening doors and you know what's behind them and you can't help yourself but to yell at the screen "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR"?  Well I felt like I was in one of those movies.  Of course there was nothing out of place in the house (unless you count the stuffed toy of Bob the tomato from VeggieTales that I tripped over in the kitchen).

I went back to sleep and then at 5.30 Emily woke up and declared that she was hungry.  I mumbled at her to go and get herself something to eat and not to wake anyone else up since it was still the middle of the night.  I woke a little while later to find that she had gone downstairs, made herself a sandwich and brought it back up.  She was sitting there in my bed with a Tupperware container for her sandwich having a little picnic.  I groaned, rolled over and tried to squeeze out a few more minutes of sleep.

Later on after many cups of coffee I tackled finishing off Kaitlyn and Abigail's room tidy up.  I was happily surprised that it didn't take as long as Emily's had and Abigail wasn't too counterproductive.  

I was watching Abigail play later on in the afternoon and noticed that she had wrapped her doll up in her blanket and was 'showing' her the little laptop toy she has.  It has the alphabet and lots of buttons which appeal to Abigail.  She was so cute being a mummy to her little doll.  It was time to go and pick up Kaitlyn so I said "ok Abigail, time to go", she jumped up and said "yay".  Next thing I know she's scooped up her doll, her blanket and her laptop and is headed for the garage. When I offered to carry her blanket for her (rather than see it dragged across the garage floor) she had a cheerful "tank oo" for me.

Tonight at dinner time we were preparing to eat and Kaitlyn offered to say grace.  She likes to do this the most out of all the kids and we are always amused and blessed by her prayers.  Here was tonight's one:

"Make sure Daddy has fun while he's away.  Make sure Emily and me be very good for Mummy, actually super good for Mummy, while Daddy is gone.  Make sure if I have an accident in my underpants that I change them quickly and put the dirty ones in the laundry not in the corner and then I tell Mummy straight away.  And thank you for the food.  Jesus Amen."

A little later on when I was cleaning up the kitchen and everyone but Kaitlyn had finished their dinner Kaitlyn came into the kitchen and said "Mummy I wish I didn't have to say this but I do.  The chicken doesn't taste very good".

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